Project at the Amul Dairy

Project at the Amul Dairy

The stylish design of the Sepseatings, its cost-effectiveness, as can be seen from the final photos of our auditorium project at the Amul Dairy (Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd) Anand – 388 001, Gujarat, India, which involved 1544 Auditorium seats. We successfully project Completed in 70 days with compiled ten seating terms.

SEP – 10 Seating Terms Planned An Amul Auditorium Project at Anand, Gujrat

  1. Seating Envelope
  2. Seating Passage
  3. Back-To-Back Spacing (Row Spacing)
  4. Back Pitch
  5. Back Height
  6. Eye Level
  7. Seating Size
  8. Seating Size Line
  9. Back Or Chair Overhang
  10. Row Length

Striking in style and featuring intelligent ergonomic design, The Amul dairy auditorium CLASSIC SERIES fixed auto tip-up allows built-in headrest provides added comfort, advance ergonomics, rich laminated fabric, superior comfort & easy cleaning & maintenance.

A final feature that fit with our client’s brief was the retractable cup holder, which slides up to transform each pair of seats into a love-seat.

As for the color scheme, for the screens of The Amul dairy auditorium, the clear choice was gray color from headrest to foot.

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